
UNIT 8: The Earth and the solar System

1.- Copy and complete the sentences with the  following words: 
solid, volcanoes, liquid, minerals, metamorphic, earthquakes, sedimentary, geographic coordinates, life, longitude.
 a) Water is essential for    LIFE on our planet. We can find water as a SOLID, a  LIQUID and a gas.
b) Rocks are composed of one or more MINERALS. Depending on their origin, rocks can be SEDIMENTARY, igneous or METAMORPHIC.
c) The energy inside the Earth can cause VOLCANOES and EARTHQUAKES.
d) On a map or a globe, you can locate any point by naming its GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES: its latitude and its LONGITUDE.

2)Copy and complete the sentences with the following words: 
bodies, celestial, colour, Earth, Milky Way, Moon, planet, planets, revolve, rock, satellites, smaller, spherica, spiral, star, Sun, tail.
a) Our solar system  is in a       SPIRAL galaxy called the MILKY WAY.
b) A star is a  CELESTIAL body with a  SPHERICAL shape.
c) The Sun is a dwarf STARwith a yellow-orange COLOUR.
d) PLANETS are large spherical bodies that REVOLVE around a star.
e)Natural SATELLITES are celestial BODIES that revolve around planets.
f) Comets are celestial bodies with a long , bright TAIL
g) Asteroids are made of ROCK, but they are SMALLER than planets
h) The Earth is a PLANET that revolves around the SUN.
i) The  MOON takes 28 days to revolve around the EARTH..

Moon, craters and meteorites movie 

A planet song

Information and games:
The Solar System
The Earth
The Sun
The Moon
Lattitude and longitude game

Space Quiz
How much do you know about space?

Earth Astronomy for kids

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